Fig.: Linux program for PC NAVTEX PC

Jürgen aus dem Segeln-Forum hat sich die Mühe gemacht für den PC NAVTEX USB von NASA ein Linux-Programm zum Auslesen der Daten zu erstellen. Das Programm PC NAVTEX dient der Darstellung von NAVTEX-Nachrichten, die mit dem NAVTEX-Empfänger „PC NAVTEX USB“ der Firma NASA empfangen wurden. Die Datenübertragung erfolgt über die serielle Schnittstelle. Unter Linux können dafür gängige USB/Seriell-Adapter verwendet werden.


In contrast to the original software that runs under Windows, this program runs under Linux. It can be used both on a PC and on single-board computers such as the Paspberry Pi. Incoming messages are stored in a SQLITE database. The program has filters for displayed messages, identifier of the sending station, identifier of the message subject, max. age of the message, max. length of the list. When the program starts, the messages stored in the receiver are read. Messages that are currently arriving are displayed immediately.

The source code of the program is available on GitHub: https://github.com/juerec/pc-navtex/

Installation for Raspberry Pi

Diese Anleitung wurde vom User „Northern Comfort“ aus dem Segeln-Forum erstellt und soll nur eine Anregung sein und den Weg beschreiben, wie das Programm bei ihm lauffähig wurde. Als Linux/Raspberry-Neuling ist das bestimmt nicht der beste oder richtige Weg. Wer einen einfacheren und/oder bessern Weg beschreiben kann, der mag bitte die Anleitung korrigieren:

1. Connect the NASA USB PC Box to the Raspberry and supply it with power

2. Installation of qt5 creator and libqt5serialport5-dev packages

command: sudo apt-get install ….

sudo apt-get install libqt5serialport5-dev

3. Download the file from Github using the button "Code" and "Download ZIP"


4. Unpack the zip file under /home/pi/….

5. Open the terminal and switch to the appropriate directory.

command: CD /home/pi/pc-navtex-master/pc-navtex

If you use a different directory, you must take this into account in the commands below.

6. Then run the commands in the terminal as described on GitHub:

Command: qmake -qt5

afterward make

7. Now something happens in the terminal. Please wait until the input field reappears.

8. Then move the udev rule in the terminal. The udev rule ensures that the navtex box is correctly entered into the system structure and recognized.


sudo mv -v /home/pi/pc-navtex-master/udev/91-pnavtex.rules/etc/udev/rules.d

9. Reboot Raspberry. I don't think you really have to. But it doesn't hurt either.

8. The executable file is now in the directory pc-navtex-master/pc-navtex ...... you can double-click it and the program will start. If you want, you can now create a shortcut in the menu:

10. Click on the raspberry at the top left; then "Settings" and "Main Menu Editor", the rest should be self-explanatory.

Unfortunately, you cannot configure the Navtex box with this program, eg the times of the frequency change from 490 kHz to 518 kHz. For this you need the original Windows program. But after that everything works great.


If you are looking for further information about Navtex, you will find some information here:

