The workshop shows how to use simple means to build a wind sensor for a boat from a weather station. The participants modify a weather station and convert it so that it can be used as a wind sensor on a boat for NMEA2000. The weather station and the necessary material is provided with the course fee.
Info: Since there are some ambiguities with the payment, here is the exact procedure for booking. The reason for this unusual approach is that there is no payment system integrated into our booking system and we use the PayPal donation option as a payment system.
1. Pay via the PayPal icon. The amount of 50 Euros you have to register yourself as a donation with PayPal.
2. Booking complete using the form below. In any case, please use the same e-mail address as when registering with Paypal. This is the only way we can allocate the payment to the booking.
Target group: advanced
Requirements: Craftsmanship, experience with microcontrollers and programming
own contribution: 50 euros for weather station and material
Requirements: Craftsmanship, experience with microcontrollers and programming
own contribution: 50 euros for weather station and material
Bookings are no longer possible for this event.